According to the federal law commonly known as Stormwater Phase II, permits are required for construction activities disturbing one or more acres. Operators of construction activities must obtain permit coverage under either an individual permit or one of the general permits prior to commencement of construction.
There are several components and procedures required to comply with the NYSDEC Stormwater Phase II regulations:
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- MS4 approval
- NYSDEC ‘Notice of Intent’
- Certified Trained Contractor on site daily
- Qualified Inspector on site weekly
- Notice of Termination filed with the NYSDEC
Gibney Design Landscape Architecture PC can provide SWPPP compliance drawings and administration of forms in compliance with NYSDEC regulations. We are NYS Registered Landscape Architects and Qualified Inspectors. Our experience and communication with NYSDEC will assure your compliance and prevent delays on
your project. |